Wow…Look At Dis Bullshit…They Put This Racist Ass Shit on CNN?

23 07 2008

Barack can’t win every single vote.  He can’t have every person in America see and follow his dream.  That is the reality of this great country.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion.  He has to have opposition, obstacles in which he has to overcome to make his plight to the top complete.  Lol, but one has to laugh at this ignorace!  Because of his name, he’s a muslim?  Basing a vote on a name is so retarded.  But, at least yo good ole southern boy kept it real.  He couldnt see a black man making a change?!?  Lol, its ok man.  Just know that that MAN is going to be your next president.  Lol, ignorance in any form is just a hinderance to truth.  Racism?  No.  This is just a cause of innocence at it’s best.  There doesn’t need to be any reaction to this.  This just needs to be looked at and laughed at.  Ignorance?  Seriously, get with the program or watch it from the sideline.  America is serious about changing.  Obama 2008!

SOHH HACKED BY or so we think?

27 06 2008

Young Black America if you ever thought you needed a time to stand up for something you believe in the time is now!  Forget Hip-Hop for a second and think about your lively hood as a human being, an American and finally a fan of hip-hop.  I don’t want to hear the bullshit about our government and what they are not doing but look at ourselves and the ignorance we foster on a daily basis.  The defacing of SOHH and ALLHIPHOP was ignorant, stupid and it shows that racism in this country is more than alive, it has found a way to evolve.  We as a people.  African America, this is how they think of us!  It has been no secret.  But, now Young Black America, you see how real opinions are and how much they can hurt.  Instead of being ignorant back which they think we will do, we need to respond in a way that they can’t fathom.  Let’s keep doing us!  Let’s CONTINUE to get educated, lets CONTINUE to raise our families, lets CONTINUE to be upstanding members in society and make them more upset and angry at our progress as a people.  We brag all the time about haters in hip-hop.  So this doesn’t make me all that mad when I look and think about it.  It just confirms to me how ignorant people are and that everything happens for a reason.  Someone was obviously bored, not having enough time on their hands and decided to deface a website.  Corny, next.  Big Ups to all our haters!  Lets keep doing our thang!  Fuck wit a cold dick!  Hip-Hop isn’t the problem.  It’s ignorant, racist retards who are.  Our country is progressing forward.  We are making steps in the right direction, lets leave the ignorance behind.

OBAMA 2008!!!


Here’s the news: 

The racist bullshit in the link I’m going to provide for you will piss you off as well as it did me until i managed to control myself.  Ignorant idiots will do anything for attention.  Read at your own risk.

Click the Picture to See the Article!!!

My Take on the Rush Limbaugh Statements Concerning the Iowa Floods and Hurricane Katrina

22 06 2008


Before i get into ripping Rush Limbaugh from kingdom come I will agknowledge one truth that he said.  He said, “The aftermath of New Orleans would have happened with either a Democrat or Republican was in office.”  I believe that there is some truth in that statement.  What happened in New Orleans was a catastrophe.  No one could have imagined the devistation that Hurricane Katrina would have brought and I believe the aftermath of Katrina would have brought about some similarities in the way things were handled primarily the immediate aftermath that brought about mass confusion.  However, thats where this Rush Limbaugh goes hellaciously wrong.  Number one, how can the floods of IOWA be more devistating than New Orleans if only a handful have died?  When THOUSANDS died in the waters of Katrina.  Every single person in New Orleans has been affected in one way shape or form by Katrina.  At the church I attend a lady that I know has been diagnosed with chronic depression because when Katrina happened she sat in her house and laid in her bed and begged the waters to take her!  She had lost so much that she just stopped worrying.  She gave up, the military came and picked her up, breached her home and got her.  How can Iowa dwarf New Orleans if the entire infastructure of their government didn’t collapse?  How can Iowa dwarf New Orleans if all of their convicts in their holding cells did not die?  How can Iowa dwarf New Orleans if refugees were turned away from safe ground by soldiers and Military Police with automatic weapons?  How can Iowa dwarf New Orleans if it takes the biggest, most powerful government in the history of the world 5 full days to drop WATER at the Convention Center and the Superdome?  Ignornace is the new racism.  Please listen to the clip provided above.  Rush goes into some very politically correct RACIST statements.  He goes on to say, I WANT TO SEE THE MURDERS, I WANT TO SEE THE RAPING, I WANT TO SEE THE SAME THINGS THAT HAPPENED IN NEW ORLEANS.  What a dumb ass!  He says he doesn’t see that in Iowa, he sees Americans helping Americans, people aren’t waiting around for FEMA and BUSH.  As soon as Katrina hit, Bush and all of his 41 IQ makes a state of the union address and says WE WILL BE IN NEW ORLEANS, WE WILL HELP OUT, YADA YADA YA.  Nothing!  People are being ran out of their homes, six feet of water in some places, ten in others.  People are underwater, devistated, with NOTHING to hold on to, stuck without food, clean water, clean clothes for five days.  When groups of people are left without bare necessities CHAOS always happens, thats basic government you dumb ass.  So any logical citizen of the United States should ask WHERE’S BUSH?  Where’s FEMA?  What job are you doing?  I will admit that living in New Orleans for the past year and a half has changed my view on alot of things that have happened here.  And, let me say this I do not discredit anything that has happened in the state of Iowa and Illinois because you too are Americans and disaster is disaster no matter where it is or what kind it is.  My prayers go out to you and I wish all of you a speedy recovery.  But, since I’ve been in New Orleans I’ve seen the devistation.  I’ve driven past abandoned SHELL STATIONS three years removed from the storm, roofs caved in, abandoned homes, utter and sheer disgusting eye sores that still have not been recovered or rebuilt.  I’ve seen some of the horribleness with my own two eyes and for this ignorant piece of shit to say what he’s only seen on TV drives me up a wall.  America, what kind of country do we live in when our own brothers and sisters won’t even reach out a hand and agknowledge you?  What kind of country do we live in where we choose who is more devistated than the other?  Why do we allow such ignorance to be praised in our country?  Why do we allow racism?  The sad truth is probably its entertainment until someone gets hurt.  Rush Limbaugh’s comments will probably be taken lightly unless someone blows up a house in Iowa (God willing that doesn’t happen).  Yes, we have freedom of speech BUT with freedom comes responsibility and Limbaugh should have been more responsible when it came to making those ridiculous comments.  He basically said when disaster strikes, white people are better than blacks.   Case closed.  If you still are having problems with what I’m saying then look at the following pictures:

