The Cincinnati Monster Out Canvasing For The Kids!

8 12 2008

This past weekend I hit the streets of New Orleans hard for The Lil Monster’s Toy Drive.  I had fun getting out and talking to people.  Alex and I hit up a mostly white section of town to make people aware of The Lil Monster’s Toy Drive.  At first people thought we were thugs or something.  But, we just kept on talking and people began to warm up to what we were talking about and began to identify with our cause.  I got to admit though, the white people who tried to play me son PISSED ME OFF!!!  I would be trying to hand them flyers and they’d look at me like I was trying to sell them crack.  One lady tucked her hand behind her back and kept saying no thank you.  So I began to start my conversation off with, “Hello my name is Kelvin, I’m a student at Loyola University and I’m sponsoring a toy drive.”  Once that barrier of communication was knocked down, the fun and real joy began.  It was cool to see people embrace those less fortunate than themselves.  Check these vids out.  Al even tried to play me on one of them lmao!   





One response

22 12 2008

funny on al hookin yo vid of you loving the dog and pushing yo mysapce page. ha.

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